朗阁雅思 > 雅思考题回顾


时间:2021-04-27 18:39来源:江苏朗阁外语培训中心 作者:jasmine

  Part 2 Top 20高频话题

  1. Describe an activity that you attend occasionally but a little expensive. 昂贵的活动

  2. Describe a time when your computer had a problem when you were using it. 电脑罢工

  3. Describe a book you read that you found useful. 有用的书

  4. Describe an occasion when you forgot something important. 忘记重要事情

  5. Describe a time when you saw children behave badly in public. 孩子的不妥行为

  6. Describe a skill that you think you can teach other people. 教别人的技能

  7. Describe a thing you bought and felt pleased about. 买的开心的东西

  8. Describe a person who is full of energy. 有活力的人

  9. Describe a kind of weather that you like. 喜欢的天气

  10. Describe a good decision you made recently. 好决定

  11. Describe a line that you remember from a poem or song. 一首诗或者歌

  12. Describe a time when you ate something for the first time. 第一次吃的食物

  13. Describe a time when you got lost in a place you did not know. 迷路的经历

  14. Describe a time when you worked in a group. 小组工作

  15. Describe a part of your city or town you enjoy spending time in. 喜欢的城市一角

  16. Describe a time you had to wait in line (queue up) for a long time. 排队

  17. Describe an intelligent person you know. 聪明的人

  18. Describe a famous person you’re interested in. 感兴趣的名人

  19. Describe a person who shows his or her opinions openly. 坦率的人

  20. Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time. 对家庭重要的东西



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