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时间:2023-05-05 16:35来源:江苏朗阁外语培训中心 作者:jasmine

小作文: 柱状图

  大作文: It was predicted that with the development of technology, people would have more free time in 21st century. To what extent do you think the prediction has come true? Give some reasons from your perspective and experience.


  1.本次考试 难度中等。


  Task 1:柱状图(bar chart)2005年到2008年期间四个国家(中国,日本,俄罗斯,美国)选择申请到欧洲某个国家留学的人数变化。

  注意:1. 柱状图要留意是静态图或动态图,容易忽略时间变化,从而全文没有体现时间变化带来的动态问题。2. 注意正文段落是否将趋势变化的信息所呈现的特点清晰展示出来。3.四种对象及两年时间比较合理的分段逻辑可以先讲2005年内的横向四种数据对比,另起一段开始体现到2008年的变化特征。相关表达:

  1. A +increase/decline steadily from +数据1 +to +数据2+ in three years.

  2. A+ start at 数据1,and then drop to the bottom at 数据2

  3. A +decrease sharply in 时间,plunging to just +数据

  Task 2 :社会类




  With the advancements in technology and rapid industrialization, people in this generation have lots of time on their hands. In my opinion, this was predicted accurately and I totally agree that 21st century citizens can do more things they desire than the past generation.


  1. 互联网已经改变了许多人的生活(The internet changed the billions of lives with the vast resources.),应该根据工作时长及工作量来决定(They may think that everyone should be paid for the workload and the working hours)。

  2. 早期人们获取信息的方式有限且效率较慢,但互联网大大提高了效率(Earlier it used to take many a days or even months to know something as either we need to get in touch with the expert or read books available in limited editions where as now it is possible in a fraction of seconds)

  3. 举例进行说明(For instance, research from the Cambridge mentioned that on an average, details for this century was available in 10 minutes compared to the 10 days in the previous century. Hence, this way the current generation has got an abundance of time.)


  Transportation transformed the world. Across the globe, people can reach to any destination within a few hours which was almost impossible earlier.(相比过去,人们可以在几个小时内去到以前不可能去的地方) There are many modes of travel like airways, metros, railways, bullet trains, trams, scooters and cars which helped us in reaching faster.(多新出现的交通方式进行细化论证) For example, Delhi to Kochi in India would take 20 days of the walk, but with the help of plane it is 5 hours away. This clearly conveys that with these improvements this century people can save lots of their precious time for other activities.(具体举例说明)


  To conclude, it is inevitable that this century folks can do multiple things than their ancestors in the same period because of many technological advancements. This essay discussed how the internet and travel booms have given more free time for this 21st century citizens.





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