

发布时间:2015-07-17 15:22:16 来源:南京朗阁外语培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
朗阁海外考试研究中心 吴艳对于SAT阅读部分的考试,题型的难易是有差别的。较难的题型主要有细节题、写作手法题serve to、对比类题。这三

朗阁海外考试研究中心  吴艳


对于SAT阅读部分的考试,题型的难易是有差别的。较难的题型主要有细节题、写作手法题serve to、对比类题。这三类题型是SAT考试中占的比例相对比较大,并且难以快速判断并解出答案的。其实,对于SAT阅读考试,很多同学认为以上这些题型是难以攻克的,找不到合适的方法或规律去解答,究其原因,主要由于考生对于SAT的考试思路不够熟悉,并且词汇量跟不上所致的。在本篇中,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家将告诉大家,在储备一定的SAT词汇量的基础上,通过分析同类题型,我们可以找到一些相似点,并且慢慢熟悉SAT的考题思路,这些题也不是难到无法攻克的。







In narrative in lines 46-54 suggests that Lewis prefers sports that

A. do not require special equipment

B. are inherently competitive

C. allow room for individual expression

D. demand great strength but little skill

E. pose few risks to beginners


原文:The way he went about things was strictly his own; that was mainly what he liked about doing them. He liked particularly to take some extremely specialized and difficult form of sport—usually one he could do by himself—and evolve a personal approach to it which he could then expound. I had been through this with him in fly casting in archery and weight lifting and spelunking, in all of which he had developed complete mystiques.


在原文中,我们可以看出,作者描写的这个人喜欢的运动有这样的特点:do by himself/personal approach/expound。后面还举了例子,说明了具体是什么样的运动:fly casting/weight lifting/spelunking。通过这两个提示,我们可以看出,Lewis喜欢的运动要有个人的方法、有个性,比如说抛掷运动、举重和洞穴探索。因此,答案C是正确的。这里的同义转换比较明显地体现在了原文的personal approach和选项的individual expression这一对上,其余的信息也帮我们确定了C项的含义。此外,在分析这道题目时,要提醒大家的是,很多词汇并不需要全部记忆下来,比如spelunking这个词,我们可以根据前面两个来推测其含义,只要能理解是一种类似抛投、举重这样比较个人的运动即可。并列出现的词组或单词可以根据与之并列的词汇来猜测含义,如果全背诵下来,词汇的压力就太大了。



In passage indicates that Black writers and artists were most important to the freedom struggle in that they

A. promoted freedom of artistic expression for Black Americans

B. attempted to alter the way Black people were depicted in the arts

C. created powerful protest art that documented the Black struggle

D. were a cohesive group that opposed excessive individualism

E. prescribed a course of action to help ensure social justice


原文:The Black freedom struggle of the 1960’s was such an effort. Its objective was to transform the manner in which Black Americans in the United States were viewed and treated. And Black writers and artists, as a vital sector of the movement, sought to transform the manner in which Black Americans were represented or portrayed in literature and the arts.


在这个例子中,我们可以找到成对的同义转换,原文中的transform和选项中的alter, 原文中的manner和选项中的way, 原文中的portrayed和选项中的depicted, 因此明显选择B项。



The statement in lines 32-34 suggests that the

A. quality of the data surprised the scientists

B. evidence collected earlier was relatively untrustworthy

C. records had been lost for a long time before scientists rediscovered them

D. probe allowed scientists to formulate a completely new theory

E. data confirmed an obscure and implausible theory


原文:In 1962 the American probe Mariner 2 bypassed Venus at less than 22,000 miles and gave us our first reliable information.




二、写作手法题serve to


很多同学比较头疼带serve to这个标志词的题目,因为大家对于写作手法、作者想要表现什么、描写或提出一个内容的真正目的这样的类似中文语文课上的阅读理解题并不是很擅长。很多同学对于中文阅读题中的写作手法题都感到困惑,因为这种题型要求学生充分理解作者在当时的创作背景之下,想要表达什么,还有其使用的文学方面的技巧、手法,如果对于文学方面没有很大的兴趣,研究不深,这类题型是很难做好的。再加上语言的障碍,就更加难以应对了。其实,我们可以按照高中语文的阅读理解题的套路来做:作者的写作手法,无非就是引用一些事实、故事来描绘感官印象、证实一个事件、强调一个内容、引出下文等等。有了这个技巧,做选择时就看出了规律性。我们来看下面的例子:


The father’s statement in lines 23-24 serves mainly to

A. quote an authority

B. justify a practice

C. qualify a concern

D. note a puzzling incident

E. make a direct accusation


原文:”You know, Jiichen ate Japanese rice his whole life and lived almost eighty years.”





Lines 9-14 primarily serve to

A. recount an anecdote

B. offer an example

C. note an impression

D. make a prediction

E. advance a theory


原文:I watched the hand rather than the location, for it seemed to have power over the terrain, and when it stopped for Lewis’s voice to explain something, it was as though all streams everywhere quit running, hanging silently where they were to let the point be made.


这道题目中,作者用seemed、as though这样的词描绘了感官的印象,从具体的内容power、streams running可以明确答案为C项,记录了感官印象。



The old man’s question in lines 35-36 primarily serves to

A. dramatize the Tunisians’ interest in the author

B. emphasize the Tunisians’ pride in, and knowledge of their culture

C. allow the author to further emphasize his lack of a clear destination

D. enable the author to express a judgment about the character of Tunisians

E. highlight the author’s ability to converse with people from different cultures



“Where in Tunisia do you want to go?”

I have no idea. It isn’t always the getting there that is important. Sometimes it’s just the going.








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  • 计划学习时间: 1-3月 4-6月 半年以后
  • 英语程度: 零基础 初高中 四六级 六级以上上
  • 课程内容: 雅思 托福 SAT GMAT GRE ACT AP