

发布时间:2012-11-09 13:32:01 来源:南京朗阁外语培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
Working overtime 加班工作An old saying maintains a little hard work never killed anyone, but research shows that ...
Working overtime 加班工作

An old saying maintains a little hard work never killed anyone, but research shows that might not be true. 一句老话认为多干点活累不死人,但研究表明这可能不正确。

A European study found working overtime can be bad for an employee's heart. Those who worked at least 10 hours a day had a 60 percent higher risk of heart-related problems, such as death due to heart disease or a nonfatal heart attack, than those who didn't work overtime. 欧洲的一项研究发现,超时工作可能对雇员的心脏不好。那些每天工作至少10小时的员工比那些不加班的员工有心脏问题的风险高出60%,如因心脏疾病和非致命性心脏病发作而导致的死亡。

2.Commuting 上下班通勤

The act of simply getting to work can take its toll on employees' health. 上班这种简单的工作行为可能对员工的健康造成危害。

A study published in the BMC Public Health journal reveals that workers who get to work by train, car or bus have more adverse health effects than workers who ride their bikes or walk. The research shows commuters suffered more incidences of negative perceived general health, which resulted in an increased number of absences from work. 在生物医学中心(BMC)《公共卫生》杂志发表的一项研究表明,乘火车、汽车或公共汽车去上班的工人比那些骑自行车或步行上班的工人更容易出现不良健康问题。研究表明,通勤员工出现负健康的发生率更高,从而导致缺勤人数的增加。


3.Early retirement 提前退休

Many men yearn for a retirement filled with travel, golf and relaxation, but they might want to think twice before ending their career for good. 许多人都向往退休后充分享受旅游、高尔夫球场和休闲的乐趣,但在结束自己的职业生涯前最好还是三思而后行。

A study by Austrian researchers revealed that men who retire early have an increased risk of dying before age 67. According to the research, this can be attributed to the negative health habits adopted by retirees, including smoking, drinking, unhealthy eating and infrequent exercise. 奥地利研究人员进行的研究发现,提早退休的人在67岁前死亡的风险增加。根据该项研究,这种风险的原因可能是退休人员染上的不良健康习惯,包括吸烟、酗酒、不健康饮食和缺乏运动。


4.Sticking with a job you hate 困在你讨厌的工作里

Plugging along in a hated job can damage more than an employee's mental health.Research published in the Human Relations journal found that employees who stayed at organizations out of either obligation or a perceived lack of other job options were more likely than other employees to experience physical health problems, including symptoms of exhaustion, stress and burnout. 被讨厌的工作困住,可能不仅仅会有害于雇员的精神健康。在《人类关系》杂志发表的研究发现,出于义务或明显缺乏其他工作选择而留在机构中的员工,比其他员工更可能会遭遇身体健康问题,包括疲惫、压力和倦怠等症状。


5.The afternoon nap 午睡

Keeping employees from taking a regular afternoon nap, as most jobs do, could cause heart problems. A study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine found that half-hour siestas boost heart health and help prevent deadly cardiovascular disease. 不让员工定时午休,大多数工作都是如此,可能会导致心脏问题。《内科医学档案》杂志公布的一项研究发现,半小时的午休可提高心脏健康,并有助于预防致命的心血管疾病。

According to the research, working men showed the greatest benefits from a little daily shuteye, no matter the number of naps or their duration, with a 64 percent lower risk of death from heart disease than those who didn't nap. 根据该项研究,男性工作者从每天小憩获得的好处最多,不管小睡次数或持续时间,死于心脏疾病的风险比那些不午睡的人降低64%。

6.Sucking up to the boss 拍上司马屁

Depending how it's done, employees who suck up to the boss could be helping or hurting their mental health. 拍老板马屁的员工即可能有助于也可能有害于自己的心理健康,关键是如何做。

7.Friends at work 工作朋友

While it has been generally established that people with active social lives live longer, that also applies to employees in the workplace. According to research published in the Health Psychology journal, employees who believe they have the personal support of their peers at work are more likely to live a longer life. 人们普遍认为社交生活活跃的人寿命更长,这同样适用于工作场所的员工。根据发表在《健康心理学》杂志的研究,那些认为自己在工作中能得到其同类人支持的员工更有可能活的更久。

Researchers followed the health records of adults who worked an average of 8.8 hours a day through a two-decade period. Those who reported having low social support at work were more than two times more likely to die sometime within those 20 years. 研究人员追踪了那些在二十年时间内平均每天工作8.8小时的成年人的健康记录。报告表明在这20年里,工作中鲜有社交支持的人的死亡概率是正常的两倍多。

8.Long-term unemployment 长期失业

Just having a job can be good for a person's emotional well-being. 只要有工作就可能对一个人的情绪健康有好处。

Research presented during a congressional briefing on the psychological benefits of employment and the impact of joblessness revealed long-term unemployment can trigger mental health issues. 在国会简报中提出的关于就业心理优势和失业影响的研究发现,长期失业会诱发心理健康问题。

The study shows those who were unemployed for more than 25 weeks in the past year were more likely than their employed counterparts to experience mental health issues for the first time. 研究表明,那些在过去一年失业超过25周的人比在业的同类人更可能遇到第一次心理健康问题。

A study published in the Journal of Management Studies suggests that politically savvy professionals who use kissing up to an employer as a way to enhance their standing in the office may avoid the psychological stress felt by those who aren't as shrewd about their workplace behavior. 在《管理学研究》杂志上发表的一项研究表明,政治上精明的专业人士把取悦老板当成提高自己办公室地位的一种方式,或许他们这样做可以避免那些不精于工作场所行为的人所感受到的心理压力。 

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