

发布时间:2014-05-13 14:10:36 来源:南京朗阁外语培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
2014年5月11日托福写作考题回顾 南京朗阁托福写作部仇萍




1. New version of existing products.

2. New products related to the brands.

3. 公司合作


1.New version 容易失去顾客,人们不喜欢新版本,连旧的都可能不买了。

2.如果旧的Vehicle的卖点是 tough, 如果相关产品boots的 quality不好,公司会有 bad reputation


独立作文:Do you agree or disagree:

Spending a long time on watching sport in TV or following favourite sport team has negative effect on our lives.



1. 影响学习工作

1)学生难以集中学习,精力涣散无法复习听课。Students couldn’t focus on study as they spend less time reviewing, and then their results would be low. In addition, they can’t concentrate on what teacher said at class as they aren’t energized.

2)员工劳累,上班时间无法完成任务或易犯错误。Employees would be unable to finish their tasks during business hours as they are exhausted by watching sports the other day. Similarly, they may make some mistakes during some business activities.

2. 健康危害

1)人们在看比赛时习惯吃零食或喝酒,长期会有肥胖问题。Watching sport via TV hours by hours may have a bad impact on their physical health. For example, some people eat some snacks and

drink alcohol when they watch sport live, and consequently, they may have obesity problems.

2)人们的精神健康出现问题,久坐不动的生活方式易犯懒。在自己支持的队伍输掉比赛时会有抑郁发生。Also, some people would have psychological disorders in a long-term. Since this sedentary lifestyle makes people become lazy, they would feel tired. Even worse, they would be depressed if their favourite teams failed.

3. 生活中沟通减少this would cause less social interaction with family members and friends.

1) 人们宁可坐着看电视而不和家庭成员交流,家庭纽带变弱。他们本可一起做家务或逛街增进感情。Some people would sit in front of television rather

than interacting with their family members, and therefore, the family bonds could weaken. Otherwise, they might spend time doing housework or going shopping.

2) 人们本应参与户外活动,但他们却看电视与朋友失去联系。 People are

supposed to get involved in outdoor activities with their friendship; however, they would disconnect by watching sports.



1. 身体健康好处 good for health

1) 看多运动节目鼓励人们参与运动,让他们拥有健康生活方式。

Watching sports programmes has some positive impacts on people. This form of entertainment encourages them to take part in some sports activities, such as jogging and basketball. As a result, they can lead a healthier lifestyle.

2) 人们可再一天工作之余放松减轻压力。

People find it interesting to watch sports programs as they have this way to relax after a long day of work, and also they low their stress level.

2. 与同事的关系,以及对工作机会的提升

1) 在工作场所易找到话题互相交际。我们常见午休时间同事们会讨论赛况拉近彼此距离。 People find a topic to communicate with their colleagues in the workplace. It is common that colleagues would discuss sports result during lunch break and they easily get closer.

2) 年轻人会被运动员影响投身运动事业,而成年人有可能从事运动相关工作。Young people can be inspired by some sportsmen, and they would choose their future career paths in sports. Adults may engage in sports related areas and gain job satisfaction.

3. 与不同人群关系的促进作用

1) 人们邀请朋友和邻居共观赛事,交朋友扩大社交圈。People invite

their friends and neighbours to watch TV sports together, and they make friends with each other and expand their social networks.

2) 父母与孩子找到共同话题增加彼此理解,享受比赛之余亦可多交流。 Parents and their children find some common interests to understand each other. For instance, they can enjoy this activity and talk about

the result.


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  • 计划学习时间: 1-3月 4-6月 半年以后
  • 英语程度: 零基础 初高中 四六级 六级以上上
  • 课程内容: 雅思 托福 SAT GMAT GRE ACT AP