

发布时间:2015-07-02 13:13:22 来源:南京朗阁外语培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
6 27日雅思考试口语回顾- 房汐 Olivia重点预测:Part2 +Part3高频题目汇总6月新轮换题用加粗字体标出A place that can be good to



6.27日雅思考试口语回顾房汐 Olivia

重点预测:Part2 +Part3高频题目汇总


A place that can be good to relax (not home)

A paid job you ever did

A picture or photograph in your family

A special trip you would like to go on in the future

An age/stage you enjoyed mostly in your life

An indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child

A restaurant you like

A coffee house

A change that will improve your local area

A small and successful company you know

A time when you feel surprised to meet someone

A person you know who is good at a foreign language

A time that you and your friend had a disagreement

A person you know who is very fashionable

A gift for others that took you long time to choose

Something you will keep on learning

A place where you can read or write (not your home)

An occasion you got up extremely early

An educational trip

An ambition you have not achieved yet

A person who you think is a good leader

A place that is full of color

A family member you would like to work with

An unusual building you’ve visited

An exciting sport

A time when you got lost

A movie you would like to watch again

Something you do to keep healthy

Someone who is good at cooking

Something interesting you leant from the internet

A special toy you had in your childhood

A historical place

A person who you don’t like but have to be friendly to

A place near water

Your favorite famous person

Something you did with a group of people that you really enjoyed

An interesting website

A situation when you received some useful advice

A happy family event when you were a child

Something you want to buy in the future

A vehicle you want to buy in the future

A short trip you would like to make again

A subject you didn’t like before but have interest in now

A happy surprise

A piece of good news you heard from TV or the internet

A time you helped someone you don’t know

A situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth



最高频              次高频                高频

House or flat        sports               Help

hometown         watching TV          Politeness

mathematics        weather and season  Memory

public transport     work or study         gift

film                 visitors          sleeping

vegetables and fruits    music           reading

happiness              sky             weather

newspaper             shopping        friendship

forgetting about things   tree           weekend

text message         collecting              cars

public holidays       leisure time         museum

time management     teachers          television



  1. 6月题库当中part1的旧考题hometown/house or flat,基本逢考必问,math,sleeping,forgetting about things,happiness,public transport,在六月的尾巴出现频率一如既往的高。另外新加入的题目比如:help, politeness虽然频率不是特别高,但是七月初考官会喜欢问学生新题,学生可以按照老师上课教授的方法去话题展开,话题展开,注意几个题型:what…How…; Do you like….等常见考试题型
  2. Part2中考试重点(加粗),学生可以分为人事物地四类去准备,随时注意串联以及搜集素材。
  3. Part3一定重点题型:Do you think…? How do you think…?what’s the pros and cons of…? 要会阐述观点还有论证观点


  1. Part2中事件类“特殊意义的旅行,教育意义的旅行,多彩的地方”等题可以串联,同时旧题变体物品类“以后想买的东西和车”也可以适当串题,好好准备。
  2. 旧题目:运动,做饭;名人等考试频率也很高,须认真准备。
  3. 7月第一场考试可能会有入库题目不够用,考官要出新题出现的可能性,不过不用害怕,以不变应万变的方法去答题就可以了。


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  • 计划学习时间: 1-3月 4-6月 半年以后
  • 英语程度: 零基础 初高中 四六级 六级以上上
  • 课程内容: 雅思 托福 SAT GMAT GRE ACT AP