

发布时间:2017-06-20 11:17:31 来源:南京朗阁外语培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
Part1题目汇总(加粗为高频题)Work Study PhotographyColors Home AccommodationTransportation HometownIndoor activities games Wa
Work/Study Photography
Colors Home/Accommodation
Transportation Hometown
Indoor activities/games Watch
Magazine Birthday
Jewelry Fruits
Trip Politeness
Advertisement Housework
Dream Television
Robots Daily Routine
Shoes Musical instruments
Mirror Friends
History Book
Emails & Letters Sunshine
A celebrity in your country that you like
An interesting neighbor
A polite person you know
Two people from the same family
A person who made you laugh
A happily married couple
A family member who made you proud
A person who has helped you in your studies or at work
A city you’ve been to
A café 
A place where people swim
An interesting house or apartment you visited
A quiet place
A crowded place you visited
A big company or organization that employs a lot of people
A free gift you received before
An important invention that has changed our life
A piece of art
A kind of vegetable or plant in your country
A book that you want to read again
A TV series or drama you enjoy watching
A useful website you like to visit
An interesting talk or speech
An interesting song you like
A piece of clothes you like
An English lesson you had
An occasion when you received good service at a restaurant or a shop
An occasion when you ate a kind of foreign food
Something you want to do for a long time but haven’t done yet
A well-paid job you will be good at in the future
A time you moved to a new school or home
An occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone
An enjoyable experience in your childhood
A clever decision someone made to solve a problem
A time when you waited for something special
A holiday you want to take in the future
A future plan (unrelated to your work or studies) 
A historical event 
A bicycle trip 
A kind of weather you like
An occasion when you got something for free
A conversation with a stranger
An occasion when you ate a special cake
A recent change in your life
A time you saw lots of people smiling
Part 1决定了考官对你的第一印象,一定要重视,常规个人信息类话题(学习、家乡、住房、交通等)除了流利回答还可以适当说加分词汇和句型,难度稍大的题如mirrors, robots, history, jewelry等,考前要适当准备,确保答题思路流畅,并且积累相关词汇。
考生要确保考前准备到所有高频话题,以便在考试时做到心中有思路,嘴边有词汇。尤其注意难题的准备,如a historical event, vegetable or plant in your country, big company, an important invention等。也不能忽视低频话题,至少要理清思路,可以适当串题。
换题月已过,雅思口语5-8月题库已经稳定,建议考生重点准备高频话题的同时,也不要遗漏冷门话题。part 2 题多量大,备考时可以适当串题。准备充分,以便在考试中以不变应万变。

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  • 计划学习时间: 1-3月 4-6月 半年以后
  • 英语程度: 零基础 初高中 四六级 六级以上上
  • 课程内容: 雅思 托福 SAT GMAT GRE ACT AP