

发布时间:2017-09-21 14:48:03 来源:南京朗阁外语培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
  南京朗阁9月16日雅思考试口语回顾  Part1题目汇总(加粗题为高频题)  MagazineHometown  Work or studyAccommodation  Birthd




  Work or studyAccommodation

  BirthdayPop stars

  BoatOn time

  EmailPublic transport

  Family activityPolite


  HistorySchool memory

  JewelryStay at home






  Describe a businessman you admire

  Describe a person who knows a lot

  Describe a good parent that you know

  Describe an interesting person you know from another country

  Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage

  Describe a person who was helpful to your work or study

  Describe a historical figure that you like


  Describe a city or a small town that you like

  Describe an interesting place without many tourists

  Describe a big company or organization which employs a lot of people

  Describe a dream home you desire

  Describe a park you visited with your parents when you were a child

  Describe a place where you can listen to music

  Describe a place of entertainment you often go to, like a cinema or gym


  Describe something you bought recently that made you happy

  Describe an important plant or flower in your country

  Describe a science subject in secondary or high school that you liked

  Describe your favorite piece of clothing

  Describe an occasion that you had a special cake

  Describe a free gift you received

  Describe a statue or a work of art that you like

  Describe a traditional product in your country that you like

  Describe a piece of furniture in your home

  Describe an important letter you received

  Describe an important invention that has changed our life


  Describe a time that you needed to arrive at a place early

  Describe a happy experience in your childhood

  Describe a piece of good news you got from someone familiar

  Describe something you want to do for a long time but haven’t done yet

  Describe an English lesson you had

  Describe a long car journey you went on

  Describe an achievement that you are proud of

  Describe something that you do to stay healthy

  Describe a school rule you agree or disagree

  Describe a recent change that happened in your work or school

  Describe a clever solution someone gave you

  Describe a sport you like watching

  Describe a time that you had a conversation with a stranger

  Describe an occasion that you saw many people smiling

  Describe a good decision someone made

  Describe a time that you helped someone

  Describe a time that your phone made you happy

  Describe a time that you taught someone


  Describe a helpful website that you like

  Describe a TV drama series that you like

  Describe an advertisement that you like to watch


  Part 1:

  新题季第二场考试,想必大家都比较紧张。乍看上去似乎题目大换血,但其实跟旧题对照就发现,很多题目不过是前几个季度的part2、part3换到了part1。比如teenagers,其实答题思路差不多就是part3里问烂了的young people嘛!年轻人的喜好,娱乐方式,怎么样培养年轻人……是不是思路张口就来了呢?punctuality这个话题在往年的part2事件题早到或者迟到场合的相关part3中亦是个高频题了。neighbor、popstar、internet、friends……更是耳熟能详。在朗阁上课的烤鸭们,翻翻教材就能看到很多可以借鉴的回答要点呢。从这点上来看,本季度part1的新题绝大多数都是不用担心的。

  但也要看到,个别题目还是需要去积累一些基础词汇的!如新题rainy days,不同程度的降雨你会说吗?要注意,英语中没有big rain和small rain哦~ 只有heavy和light之分。毛毛雨可以说it’s drizzling, 滂沱大雨则可以说it’s pouring,至于老掉牙的it rains cats and dogs就别再用啦,it’s so last year!太过时了哦~





  对于很多中国考生来说,Part3是最头疼的。要么是不知道该怎么回答,要么是中文会答英文却不知道如何作答。首先大家来朗阁上口语课的话,老师们一定会给你们精彩又实用的词汇语句,这点不需要担心。但是呢,也不能过分依赖碎片式背诵,毕竟流利度和连贯是打分的重要标准之一,是否能keep on talking很关键。另外,在以往的教学中我们发现有很多学生低估了机经的重要性,连part3的题目都没通看一遍思考一遍就裸奔上考场了,往往到最后就白白浪费了两千块啊!口语口语,不开口练习怎么可能有好成绩呢?丢掉侥幸心理,至少保证自己在考前有把本季度题库刷过一遍,心里有底才不愁。祝大家都能考出好成绩,早日和雅思分手~

  • 姓名:

  • 电话:

  • 计划学习时间: 1-3月 4-6月 半年以后
  • 英语程度: 零基础 初高中 四六级 六级以上上
  • 课程内容: 雅思 托福 SAT GMAT GRE ACT AP