

发布时间:2017-10-10 11:32:19 来源:南京朗阁外语培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
  南京朗阁10月5日雅思考试口语回顾  Part1题目汇总(加粗题为高频题)  NameHometown  Work or studyFamily Activities  Jewel




  Work or studyFamily Activities

  Jewelry Pomctuality(On time)

  Advertisement Rainy days

  Housework Fruit

  Email or letterBirthday

  History Fruits

  TV programBoat



  Pop star Sunshine

  High School Daily routine



  Describe someone who is a good parent

  Describe a businessman you admire

  Describe an interesting person from another country

  Describe a person who knows a lot

  Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage

  Describe a person who is helpful in your work or study



  Describe a park or garden you visited when you were a child

  Describe am ideal home that you’d like to live in

  Describe an interesting place in your country that not many people know

  Describe a place in your city where people go to listen to music

  Describe a leisure facility in your city

  Describe a crowded place that you visited

  Describe a big company or organization with a lot of people near your home

  Describe a city or town you’ve been to


  Describe a product you bought recently that made you happy

  Describe a kind of foreign food you have had

  Describe a book you enjoy reading recently

  Describe a piece of furniture you like in your home

  Describe a traditional product in your country that you like

  Describe your favorite piece of clothes

  Describe an important plant in your country

  Describe an invention that has changed our life

  Describe an important letter you recieved


  Describe an activity you do to stay healthy

  Describe a piece of advice you got from someone

  Describe a long car journey you went on

  Describe an occasion that you helped a person

  Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree

  Describe an achievement that you are proud of

  Describe a science subject in secondary school or high school that you liked

  Describe a good decision made by someone you know

  Describe a time you taught a new skill to someone you know

  Describe a time that you were pleased with your mobile phone

  Describe a leisure activity on or near the sea that you want to try

  Describe a kind of sports that you like to watch

  Describe an English lesson you had

  Describe a time you saw a lot of people smiling

  Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood

  Describe something that you want to do for a long time but haven’t done yet

  Describe a time you moved to a new school or home

  Describe a time that you had a special kind of cake

  Describe a clever decision someone made a solution to solve a problem

  Describe a time that you had to arrive at a place early

  Describe an important change in your life(work or study)

  Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you didn’t know


  Part 1: 不论怎么换题,个人信息,即学习,工作,住所仍然还在活跃,大家需要好好准备。另外,在珠宝,时间,个人喜好类话题上大家需要找到适合自己的方法。回答时不在乎答案深度,一定要做到回答自然。

  Part2: 第二部分总体难度相对于上一个季度来说有所下降,人物类话题取消了名人,建议大家好好准备一个自己的家人。事件类话题数量较多,大家需要多多准备。地点类,物品类话题只保留了3-4个老题,但新题的变化大部分都是在原题上加以改动,所以无需太过担心。








  • 姓名:

  • 电话:

  • 计划学习时间: 1-3月 4-6月 半年以后
  • 英语程度: 零基础 初高中 四六级 六级以上上
  • 课程内容: 雅思 托福 SAT GMAT GRE ACT AP