

发布时间:2017-11-07 15:02:18 来源:南京朗阁外语培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
  南京朗阁11月2日雅思考试口语回顾  Part1题目汇总(加粗题为高频题)  NameHometown  Work or studyAccommodation  Jewelry H




  Work or studyAccommodation

  Jewelry History

  Advertisement Sunshine

  Boat Fruit

  Email or letterBirthday

  Teenagers Rainy days

  Computer Neighbor

  Dream Traveling

  Meals Training

  Punctuality Pop stars

  Politeness Buses



  Describe a good parent you know

  Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage

  Describe a person who helped you in study or work

  Describe a successful business person you admire

  Describe an interesting person from another country you know

  Describe a person you know who knows a lot about something


  Describe a public park or garden

  Describe an ideal home that you’d like to live in

  Describe a city or a small town you’ve been to

  Describe a place you visited that had a lot of people

  Describe a big company or organization which employs a lot of people

  Describe an interesting place in your country that not many people visit

  Describe a place in your city where people go to listen to music (such as a theater or a music hall)

  Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your city


  Describe an exciting book you read

  Describe a piece of furniture at your home

  Describe your favorite piece of clothing

  Describe a traditional product in your country

  Describe a piece of art (statue or sculpture) you saw

  Describe a letter you received that was important to you

  Describe a product you bought recently that made you happy

  Describe an important plant in your country

  Describe an invention that has changed the world


  Describe a sport you enjoyed watching

  Describe a car journey you enjoyed

  Describe an occasion that everyone laughed

  Describe a trip you had by bike

  Describe an English lesson you enjoyed

  Describe a time you helped someone

  Describe a time when you had a special cake

  Describe a happy experience in your childhood

  Describe an achievement that you are proud of

  Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy

  Describe an activity you would like to do at or near the sea

  Describe something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t done yet

  Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger

  Describe a time when a person gave a clever solution to a problem

  Describe a time when you received something free

  Describe a science lesson you had in secondary or high school

  Describe a good decision made recently by you or someone you know

  Describe a time you taught a new skill to someone you know

  Describe a time you were pleased with your mobile phone

  Describe a time when you moved to a new school or home

  Describe a time when you arrived very early for an appointment


  Describe a website you like to visit

  Describe a TV program that you like

  Describe a rule at school you agree or disagree

  Describe an advertisement that made you buy something

  Describe a positive piece of advice you got from someone that was helpful to your work or study





  双11来朗阁不玩套路,年度给力抄底优惠,11.11前预付111元当天报名常规课程缴费立减111元(限前11名,可叠加),当天报名常规课程后再购“考前冲刺班”立享五折优惠,报名钻石保分课程 送8小时1VS1辅导课或4小时1VS1名师课程!发送短信或微信至13584079112免费领取优惠名额和188元名师现场试听课券一张!

  • 姓名:

  • 电话:

  • 计划学习时间: 1-3月 4-6月 半年以后
  • 英语程度: 零基础 初高中 四六级 六级以上上
  • 课程内容: 雅思 托福 SAT GMAT GRE ACT AP