

发布时间:2017-11-08 14:43:11 来源:南京朗阁外语培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
  定语从句在雅思小作文中的运用(二)  b 流程图中的定语从句  The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are



  The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry.(最新雅思高分范文p112)

  例句9:Diggers are used to collect lumps of clay, which are then put through a metal grid in order to be broken up into much smaller ones.


  ① Diggers are used to collect lumps of clay.

  ② The lumps of clay are then put through a metal grid in order to be broken up into much smaller ones.

  后句的主语就是前句末尾的宾语,因此两句可以合二为一,即后句的The lumps of clay可以用关系代词which来指代上句,合并为复杂句:Diggers are used to collect lumps of clay, which are then put through a metal grid in order to be broken up into much smaller ones.

  例句10:Bricks are sent to a kiln,where/ in which they are heated at a moderate temperature between 200℃ and 980℃.

  解析:这句话描述的是砖块被送至窑内加热,温度为200℃到 980℃。很多考生看到这一步骤可能会写成Bricks are heated in a kiln at a moderate temperature between 200℃ and 980℃. 但是若过多的这样的简单句,会造成于是较为单一。


  ① Bricks are sent to a kiln.

  ② In the kiln, bricks are heated at a moderate temperature between 200℃ and 980℃.

  例句11:Bricks are cooled in a chamber for 48-72 hours, after which they are packaged and delivered to the market.


  ① Bricks are cooled in a chamber for 48-72 hours.

  ② After that, they are packaged and delivered to the market.

  两个步骤为先后关系,在流程图中也普遍存在这样的关系,用after which引导的从句可以指代前一句话。


  The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities.(剑9 test1)

  例句12:In the west of the island is a circle of accommodation, which is connected by a footpath.



  ① In the west of the island is a circle of accommodation.

  ② The accommodation is connected by a footpath.

  后一句话的accommodation就是前一句中的表语部分,因此直接可以通过which指代合并为一句In the west of the island is a circle of accommodation, which is connected by a footpath.

  例句13:The vehicle track also goes down to the pier, where people can go sailing in the south sea of the island.



  ① The vehicle track also goes down to the pier.

  ② In the pier, people can go sailing in the south sea of the island.

  第二句话是对前一句话的地方进一步补充,因此可以通过where进行补充说明。模仿此句可以写出更多的句子,例如:The footpath is extended to the beach, where a designated swimming area is prepared for tourists.

  例句14:The palm trees in the east remain the same, to the west of which another circle of accommodation is constructed for holding more visitors.


  ① The palm trees in the east remain the same.

  ② To the west of the palm trees another circle of accommodation is constructed for holding more visitors

  在地图中,当两个对象的方位比较相关时可以用方位介词词组+which的方式来连接两个单句。类似的句子还有:Several buildings have been constructed, in the vicinity of which there are two car parks.



  题目:The pie chart shows the main reason why agricultural land becomes less productive. The table shows how these causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s.

  例1.The percentage of land degradation in Europe was largest, which was 23%.

  本句意为:欧洲的土地恶化的百分比是最高的,比例为23%。which was 在这里虽然没有语法错误,但是仅仅补充了一个数据,便使句子显得罗嗦。若改为The percentage of land degradation in Europe was largest, at 23%,这样会更简洁地道。

  例2.23% of land was degraded in Europe, which was 10% higher than that in Oceania.

  本句意为:欧洲有23%的土地被恶化,比大洋洲高出10%。此句的问题同上个例子一样,较为罗嗦。在更多的高分范文中我们更常见的句子是将which was省略:23% of land was degraded in Europe, 10% higher than that in Oceania.

  类似的句子还有倍数表达:23% of land was degraded in Europe, which was more than four times the figure for Oceania.此句中的which was应该省略简化为: 23% of land was degraded in Europe, more than four times the figure for Oceania.

  例3. Europe had the highest percentage of land degraded, which was followed by the figure in Oceania.

  本句意为:欧洲的土地恶化的百分比是最高的,仅次于它的是大洋洲。which was followed by 已被大量学生记为固定模板句型,但是在小作文的写作中which was 被省略会更常见,此句可简化为:

  Europe had the highest percentage of land degraded, followed by the figure in Oceania.

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