

发布时间:2016-04-11 13:29:18 来源:南京朗阁外语培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
2016年4月9日托福考试写作回顾综合写作:3 approaches to improve and extend the natural reserves for tortoise 独立写作:Do



3 approaches to improve and extend the natural reserves for tortoise.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age.




1.    Establish the natural reserves through planting trees. 通过种树建立自然保护区。

2.    Raise the tortoises in the natural reserves for some period and then take them to emigrate to the wild. 在保护区养一些龟,然后将它们他们迁移到野外。

3.    Choose some tortoises living with the more ones in the wild to move to the sites where are no tortoises but pleasant for survival. 在野外龟多的地方,选一些龟移到那些没有龟但是环境适宜的地方。


1.    It prevents the sunshine and the grass growing healthily to plant trees. As a result, the tortoises living there have no food chain resources. 种树遮挡阳光, 不利于草的生长。龟就没有吃的。

2.    The reserves have systematic techniques and approach to cure the disease from tortoises, but it is opposite in the wild. 在保护区有治疗龟疾病的技术和方法,而野外则没有。

3.    The tortoises come home because of homesick and they perhaps die on the way emigration. 龟因为想家,会回去,而且在迁徙的路上,也有可能死亡。




1.    The friends who are older than you can teach you many principles and rules because the majority of them have received more education than you.年长的人可以教你很多道理,因为他们中的大多数都受的教育比你多。所以他们会有更多专业的知识(professional knowledge)来帮你分析解决问题;然而你的同龄人的知识面可能跟你差不多,因此有些问题无法解决。比如如果你想买车,你的同龄人更多的可能会从外 观(appearance)来给你建议,而比你年长的人很可能从性能(function)材料(material)发动机(engine)等方面给你更专 业的建议;

2.    The friends who are older than you can strike your chord deeply in mind because they have more similar experiences like you who want to find a solution when you are in the confusion or dillema.比你年长的人在你迷茫困惑,特别想要找到出路时,总能引发你的共鸣。举例子可举选择大学、选择专业

3.    The friends who are older than you can help you grow mature because they have learnt how to face impulsion in your age. 年长的朋友可以帮助你成熟起来,因为他们已经学会了如何在你这个年纪面对冲动的心态。比如课上因为误会被老师批评(being criticized by teacher because of some misunderstanding),如果是同龄的朋友,很可能跟你一起来咒骂(curse)老师或做出其他冲动的事(impulsively),但是年 龄更长一些的人可能会帮你分析老师的想法,然后帮你建立正确的态度(establish correct attitude and value)


1. 综合写作和独立写作可以重点看下2012~2014年的机经

2. 独立写作多关注教育和生活类。

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? it is better to finish a project completely then to do another job than to do two or more projects at the same time.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to spend money on travelling and vacation than save money for the future.


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  • 计划学习时间: 1-3月 4-6月 半年以后
  • 英语程度: 零基础 初高中 四六级 六级以上上
  • 课程内容: 雅思 托福 SAT GMAT GRE ACT AP